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The ECNS Society

Ph.D Certification

Quantitative EEG (QEEG) and evoked responses, with or without mapping, have become increasingly popular among psychologists and PhDs in both clinical and research applications. 

Over one year ago the American Medical Electroencephalographic Association merged with the American Psychiatric Electrophysiology Association to form the EEG and Clinical Neuroscience Society (ECNS), strengthening the long-awaited neurophysiologic union between neurology and psychiatry. 

We are pleased to announce that the ECNS has developed an examination in QEEG to certify PhDs, MDs and PsyDs. This examination was developed drawing upon the expertise of psychologists as well as from neurologists and psychiatrists. 

Examinations are administered by ECNS between during the annual membership meeting.  

If you are interested, please request and complete an application six weeks prior to the examination date.

Download the application (Requires the Adobe Reader)

Ph.D Certification Examination: T.B.A

For additional information or questions concerning the examination, please send email to

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