Welcome to ECNS membership enrollment.
Please review the ECNS Membership Bylaws for information on the appropriate membership category before completing the following information. Membership categories include:
- Full Member ($185) — One year’s membership (including the journal) as a benefit of sitting for the ABEN or ECNS examination
- Corresponding Membership ($125) — (outside US and Canada)
- Retired Membership ($95)
- Junior Membership ($85) — For Residents-in-Training, Ph.D/PsyD candidates, Research Fellows, and young investigators within 5 years of completing Ph.D or M.D degree. ( Journal Subscription )
- Associate Membership ($50) — For supporters of ECNS ( No journal subscription )
*All payments from foreign countries (outside 50 states) must be paid via a credit card preferably Visa or MasterCard**
*- Indicates fields that must be completed.