Clinical EEG & Neuroscience Journal Conferences Resources Member Login The ECNS Society
Clinical EEG & Neuroscience Journal

Program for the 2009 ECNS-ISNIP Conference

Atlanta, GA, Sept 9-13, 2009

Wednesday, September 9

Clinical Training Workshop: CEU/CE awarded  per workshop:                   $75.00 per workshop

(These training workshops are intended to offer basic orientation/training information and skills for general knowledge and/or as prep for taking examinations- these workshops will provide direct demonstration of acquisition and analyses techniques)

  • intended to offer basic orientation/training information and skills for general knowledge and/or as preparation for taking examinations
  • will provide direct demonstration of acquisition and analyses techniques
    1. Basic Clinical EEG  - 9:00 - 12 noon – Nash Boutros, MD Download Presentation
    2. Basic Overview of Evoked Potentials – 1:30 - 4:30 pm – Chris Slaymaker, R EEG/EP T, CNIM Download Presentation
    3. Basics of qEEG  & LORETA – 9:00 - 12 noon – Lukasz Konopka, Ph.D. Download Presentation
    4. Basics of Neurotherapy Techniques (Neurofeedback, LENS, AVE) – 1:30 - 4:30 pm – Richard Soutar, Ph.D. Download Presentation

Clinical EEG Journal Board Meeting: 12 noon – 1 pm

ECNS Council Meeting:  1 pm – 4pm

5:00 pm – Welcoming and Notes – Ivan Bodis-Wollner

Opening Keynote Lecture #1
Speaker: Roseanne Armitage, Ph.D., (Director – Sleep and Chronophysiology Lab, Univ. of Michigan)
Topic: Sex Differences in Sleep Homeostasis in Depression

5:45 pm – Music Program & Buffet

Thursday, September 10

8:00- 8:30 a.m.  – Keynote Lecture 
Speaker: Mahlon DeLong,MD  (Timmie Professor of Neurology Emory University, Atlanta )
Topic: Neuronal Circuits and Circuit Disorders.

8:30 – 10:00 – Invited Symposium #1
Deep Brain Stimulation for Neurologic and Neuropsychiatric Disorders
Chair: M. DeLong, Emory University, Atlanta

  1. “DBS for Parkinson’s-Effects on Mood and Cognition”
    Michael Okun  M.D. (Univ. Florida, Gainesville)
  2. “DBS for Treatment Resistant Depression”
    PE Ho0ltzhelmer M.D. (Emory)
  3. “Mechanisms of Action of DBS”
    Jerold Vitek M.D. (Cleveland Clinic)
  4. “Should We be Worried about cognitive Declines Following Deep Brian Stimulation?”
    A. Mikos, M.D. (Univ.of Florida, Gainesville)

10:00 - 10:20 - Coffee Break / Exhibitor Discussion

10:20 – 11.50 a.m. – Invited Symposium #2  
Understanding frontal lobe functions in Parkinson disease through functional imaging.
Chairs:  A.Strafella and Ivan Bodis-Wollner

  1. “Dopamine, Reward, and Frontostriatal Circuitry in Impulse Control Disorders in Parkinson's disease: Insights from Functional Imaging"
    A.Strafella: (U.Toronto)
  2. “fMRI studies of function and dysfunction of executive processing in PD.”
    O.Monchi  (U.Montreal):
  3. "The frontal eye fields in PD: an fMRI perspective."
    Bodis-Wollner: (SUNY Brooklyn)
  4. "The cognitive circuit of Parkinson Disease"
    D.Eidelberg: (NYU Feinstein Inst New York)

11:50 – 12:30 pm – Poster Review #1/Exhibitor Discussion

  1. Effects of Child Abuse and/or Neglect on Hippocampal Volumes in First Episode Psychosis Patients. Charil A, Czechowska Y, Malia, A, Joober R., Laplante DP, King, S, McGill University, Montreal, Canada
  2. The Cortical Silent Period is Abnormal in Abstinent Cocaine-Dependent Individuals. Elfakhanl M., Gjini K., Burroughs S., Boutros, N., Wayne State University  School of Medicine, Detroit, Michigan, USA.
  3. Increased Source Densities at the Amygdalar and Insular Regions as a Core Finding in Panic Disorder, Clinical Diversity and Possible Physiopathogenic Implications. Gerez M., Sada A., Castanedo L., Nicolini H., Tello, A. Hospital Espanol de Mexico, Mexico.
  4. A Topography of anxiety? Distinct Maps for different Disorders. Gerez M., Serrano C., Castenedo L., Tello A., Nicolini H.  Hospital Espanol de Mexico & Instituto de Psiqulatria J R de la Fuente, Mexico.
  5. Assessment of Mismatch Negativity in auditory Sensory Gating Paradigms. Afifi S. Gjini K., Burroughs M. Boutros N., Wayne State University, School of Medicine, Detroit, Michigan, USA
  6. Neuroendocrinal Study of Depression in Epileptic Patients. Afifi S., Sandhu R., Boutros, N. Fadel W., Morad H., Elrod A., Wayne State University, School of Medicine, Detroit, Michigan & Dept. of Neuropsychiatry , Tanta university, Egypt.
  7. The Reduction of Prefrontal QEEG Theta Cordance as a Predictor of Treatment Response in Patients With Resistant Major Depression: a Pooled Analysis of Single-Center Studies with Bupropion, Venlafaxine and rTMS. Brunovsky M., Bares M., Novak T., Kopecek M., Horacek J., Krajca V., Hoschl C. Prague Psychiatric Center, Charles University, Czech Republic
  8. A Pilot Study Investigating Temporal Lobe Epilepsy as Possible Etiology of Panic Attacks. Gill T., Tuner J. Wallace S., Derrick M., Dengler E., Vyas U. Moore N., Boutros N. East Tennessee State University, Johnson City, Tennessee, USA & Wayne State University, School of Medicine, Detroit, Michigan, USA
  9. Estimation of Brain Areas involved in Visual Gating by eLORETA: Preliminary Results. Gjini K. Boutros, N., Wayne State University, School of Medicine, Detroit, Michigan, USA.
  10. QEEG Diagnostic Effectiveness when testing for Alzheimer’s Disease. Shetty N., Arfken C, Boutros, N. Wayne Ste University, Detroit, Michigan, USA

12:30 pm – 2 pm – Lunch / Exhibitor Discussion

2:00-2:30 pm – ISNIP Presidential LectureThomas Dierks

2:30- 3:00 pm–  Keynote Presentation
Organization of cell assemblies by oscillations
György Buzsáki, M.D., Ph.D.
Board of Governors Professor
Center for Molecular and Behavioral Neuroscience
Rutgers University NJ

3:00 -4:30 pm: Free Oral Communication
Chair: Dean Salisbury, Ph.D. – Harvard University

  1. 40 Hz oscillations (LORETA source analysis): Male/Female Differences in Depression, Mania Schizophrenia and Controls.  Flor-Henry, P. Lind, J., Koles, Z. Alberta Hospital Edmonton, Dept. of Psychiatry and Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Alberta, Canada
  2. Alpha Phase Synchrony Model of Consciousness: Clinical Applications. Hebert, R, Tan, G, Michael E. DeBakey Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Houston, TX, USA
  3. Subanesthetic Dose of Ketamine Decreases Prefrontal Theta-Cordance in Healthy Volunteers: Implications for Antidepressant Effect. Horacek, J., Brunovsky, M., Novak, T., Tislerova, B., Spaniel F., Mohr, P., Balikova, M. Hoschl, C. Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic.
  4. Early Auditory Gamma Band Response Abnormalities in First Hospitalized Schizophrenia. Taylor, GW, McCarley RW, Salisbury DF. Harvard university, McLean Hospital, and Boston Veterans Affairs Healthcare System, Massachusetts, USA
  5. Enhanced Intensity Dependence and Aggressive Behavior History Indicate Previous Ecstasy Use in Abstinent Polydrug Users. Wan L., Baldridge M, Colby, AM, Stanford, MS. Baylor University & Texas AM&M Health Science Center, TX, USA

5:00 – Dinner/Entertainment Options

Friday, September 11

8:00-8:30 – Keynote Lecture:
ECNS Presidential LectureIvan Bodis- Wollner

8:30 – 10:00 Invited Symposium #3
TOPIC: QEEG Application in the Assessment and Monitoring Treatment of Childhood Disorders
Chair:  David S. Cantor, Ph.D. – Psychological Sciences Institute, PC, Atlanta

  1. Quantitative EEG Discriminant Functions Between Normal Function and Childhood Disorders. Robert Chabot, NYU Medical Center, New York, New York, USA
  2. Quantitative EEG Evaluations of Childhood Disorders Including Measures of Cross- Frequency Phase Synchrony and the Development of EEG Phase Reset. Robert Thatcher, VA Medical Center, Tampa, FL
  3. Viral Etiologies for Selected Neuropsychiatric Disorders. Roulette Smith, Institute for Postgraduate Interdisciplinary Studies, Palo Alto, CA Download Presentation
  4. The Role of Xenobiotic Agents in EEG Disconnectivity in Autism. David S. Cantor, Psychological Sciences Institute, PC, Atlanta Download Presentation

10:00- 10:20 a.m. – Coffee Break/Exhibitor Discussion

10:20- 11:50 am. Invited Symposium #4
TOPIC: Neuroimaging and Psychotropic Intervention.
Chair: Bernd Saletu, MD. Medical University of Vienna, Austria

  1. Electrophysiological Neuroimaging in the Diagnosis & Treatment of Generalized Anxiety Disorder – Evidence for a Key-Lock Principle. Saletu B., Anderer A., Stefano A., Vaccani A., Nasnnipieri E., Saletu-Zhylarz G. Medical University of Vienna, Austria.

  2. Event-Related Potentials & Neuroimaging in Psychiatry – Implications for Diagnosis & Treatment. O. Pogrell. Ludwig-Maxillan University, Munich, Germany.
  3. Clinical, Polysomnographic and EEG-LORETA Studies in Somatoform Pain Disorder with Co-morbid Non-Organic Insomnia. Saletu-Zyhlarz G., Prause W. Aigner M., Anderer P. Gratzhofer E., King S., Saletu B. Medical University of Vienna, Austria.

11:50 a.m. – 12:30 pm – Poster Session #2/Exhibitor Discussion

  1. Standard EEG Study of Acute Psychiatric Patients With Difficult to assess Mental Status. Javanbakht A., Sadri A, Ajluni V. Boutros N. Wayne State University, School of Medicine, Detroit, Michigan, USA
  2. Event Related Potenitals in Response to Significant Faces. Ofek, E. University of Zurich, Switzerland.
  3. Panic Attacks Turning into Complex Seizures: Report of Two Cases. Sada A., Gerez M. Hospital Espanol de Mexico, Mexico.
  4. Assessment of sleep EEG Changes in Depression.  Sandhu R., Afifi S. Boutros, N. Wayne State University School of Medicine, Detroit, Michigan, USA
  5. qEEG Findings in Patients with Asthma and Psychiatric Disorder: use of Antiasthma Medications. Smithson W., Hauser, M. Poprawski T., Paclora R., Konopka L. First Chicago Neuroscience, The Chicago School og Profesisonal Psychology, Loyola university Department of Psychiatry, Chicago, Illinois, USA
  6. Fully Automated ICA-Based EEG Blink Artifact Removal. Yen Y., Sacks A. Cho R., Kieffaber P. University of Pittsburgh, The College of William and Mary, Center for the Neural Basis of Cognition, Pittsburgh, PA USA
  7. Music Therapy in Schizophrenic Population. Yoshida S. Wayne State University, School of Medicine, Detroit, Michigan, USA
  8. Acute Medication Challenge Leading to Interhemispheric Coherence changes in Patients with ADHD. Hauser M., Smithson W, Poprawski T., Paclora R, Konopka L. First Chicago Neuroscience, The Chicago School of Professional Psychology, Loyola University Dept. of Psychiatry. Chicago, Illinois, USA
  9. Scalp Lateralization of Perisaccadic Gamma Modulation Depends on Saccade Direction. Javaid M, Mohsin H, Glazman S and Bodis-Wollner I. SUNY Downstate Med Center, Brooklyn, NY
  10. The possible role of GABAergic interneurons in EEG phase relationships: an exploratory case study of Dravet's syndrome. Daniel Tuttle, LCSW, Psychological Sciences Institute, Johns Creek, GA

12:30 pm – 1:30 pm – Lunch

1:30 pm – 5:00 pm – SPECIAL SYMPOSIUM
Topic: Frontiers in the Use of Nanotechnology in the Clinical Neurosciences
Chair. Warren Grundfest, Ph.D. – University of California – Los Angeles, CA USA

  1. Quantum DOTS and Nanoparticles for Probing Receptor Trafficing in the Nervous System . Tanya Vu, Oregon Health & Sciences University, Oregon USA.
  2. Nano-engineered Bioscaffolds for neural repair. Song Li, University of California – Berkeley, USA Download Presentation
  3. Proteomic Analysis of Biomarkers and Pathogenesis of Traumatic Brain Injury. Fiona Crawford
  4. The use of fMRI to evaluate neural plasticity. Scott Frey. University of Oregon, USA Download Presentation
  5. Carbon Nanotubes for the treatment of glioblastoma. Babak Kateb, IBMISPS
  6. Neural interfaces and neural probes. Joel Burdick
  7. Can Nanotechnology Cross the Blood/Brain Barrier? Warren Grundfest, UCLA, USA

5:00 – 5:30 pm – ECNS Business Meeting

5:30 – 6:00 pm – ISNIP Business Meeting

7:00 – 9:00 Joint Annual Dinner & Awards Presentation

Saturday, September 12

8:30 – 10:00 a.m. Invited Symposium #5:
TOPIC: Processing Emotions in Anxiety and Mood Disorders: ERP and Neuroimaging Findings
Chair: S. Galderisi, Ph.D. (University of Naples, Naples, Italy)

  1. Anxious arousal and ERP components.
    Aminda O’Hare, Ph.D. (University of Kansas, USA)
  2. ERP indices of emotional processing in depression.
    Avram Holmes, Ph.D. (Harvard University, USA)
  3. ERP Indices of involuntary emotional processing in anxiety and mood disorders.
    Armida Mucci, Ph.D. (University of Naples SUN, Naples, IT)
  4. ERP indices of emotional processing in social anxiety.
    Jason S. Moser, Ph.D. (University of Delaware, Newark, DE)

10:00-10:20 a.m.  – Coffee Break/Exhibitor Discussion

10:20 – 11:50 a.m. – E. Roy John Memorial Lecture
Chair: David S. Cantor
Special Award announcement: Kemal Arikan

TOPIC: E. Roy John: Neuroscience Legacy
Speaker: Leslie Prichep

11:50 a.m. – 12:30 – Exhibitor time

12:30-2:00 pm – Lunch/Exhibitor Discussion

  1. Robert Thatcher, Ph.D. – Neuroguide
  2. Robert Isenhart, Ph.D. – BrainDx
  3. Martijn Arns, Ph.D. – Brain Resources Corporation

2:00 – 3:30 pm Symposium #6:
TOPIC: Neurofeedback and Stimulation Therapies
Chair: Cory Hammond, Ph.D.- University of Utah, Salt Lake City

  1. Investigational Applications of Neurofeedback & Areas for Research
    Cory Hammond, Ph.D. – University of Utah, Salt Lake City
  2. The Coordinated Allocation of Resource Model (CAR); TBI And Neurofeedback
    Kirt Thornton, Ph.D., Center for Health Psychology, South Plainfield, NJ Download Presentation
  3. Research Update: Neurofeedback with ADHD & Learning Disabilities
    Noland White, Ph.D. – Georgia College & State University, Milledgeville, GA
  4. Distinctively Unique Neurofeedback: The Low Energy Neurofeedback System
    Cory Hammond, Ph.D. – University of Utah, Salt Lake City

3:30 -5:00 – Symposium #7:
TOPIC: Neuroimaging in Psychiatry
Chair: Thomas Dierks, MD (Bern, Switzerland)

  1. Fronto-thalamic pathways in schizophrenia: 18F-fallypride, FDG, and diffusion tensor imaging
    Monte Buchsbaum (San Diego, US)
  2. White Matter Degeneration in Schizophrenia: A Comparative Diffusion Tensor Analysis
    Vincent Magnotta (Iowa City, US)
  3. From diagnostics to therapeutical procedures in psychiatry
    Konrad Maurer (Frankfurt, Germany)
  4. Neurobiology of Auditory Hallucinations
    Thomas Dierks (Bern, Switzerland)


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