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Clinical EEG & Neuroscience Journal

Journal of Clinical EEG & Neuroscience, April, 2009

Table of Contents

Business II
Announcements III
Special Issue: Evidence-Based Neurobehavioral Electrophysiology Editorial:
John R. Geddes, Guest Editor
Evidence-Based Medicine and Neurophysiology
J. R. Geddes
Evidence-Based Medicine and Electrophysiology in Schizophrenia
C. R. Clark, C. A. Galletly, D. J. Ash, K. A. Moores, R. A. Penrose and A. C. McFarlane
Use of Clinical Neurophysiology for the Selection of Medication in the Treatment of Major Depressive Disorder: the State of the Evidence
A. F. Leuchter, I. A. Cook, A. Hunter and A. Korb


Evidence-Based Medicine Evaluation of Electrophysiological Studies of the Anxiety Disorders
C. R. Clark, C. A. Galletly, D. J. Ash, K. A. Moores, R. A. Penrose and A. C. McFarlane
QEEG Studies in the Assessment and Treatment of Childhood Disorders
D. S. Cantor and R. Chabot
Recent EEG and ERP Findings in Substance Abusers
N. A. Ceballos, L. O. Bauer and R. J. Houston
Evidence-Based Evaluation of Diagnostic Accuracy of Resting EEG in Dementia and Mild Cognitive Impairment
V. Jelic and J. Kowalski
Evidence, Evidence-Based Medicine, and Evidence Utility in Psychiatry and Electrophysiology
M. S. Buchsbaum

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